2010年12月21日 星期二

2010/12/21 水電,泥作 | Electrical & Cement Work

現場監工日誌 On-site supervising report

本日進場工種及工作摘要 / Workers & Job Summary
水電 5 人: 網路插座線路打溝埋管工程。
5 Electrician: Laying communication cable and electrical wire pipes (on ground and wall).

泥作 5 人: 水電打溝佈管溝槽修補填平,Training Room 地面墊高整平準備工作(地面打毛,訂水平基準)。
5 Cement Workers: Resurfacing of ground channels previously cut and drilled by electricians to lay pipes; Training Room raised ground cement surface preparation work.

現場施工細節照片 / Photos
Ground patch up and resurfacing work on wiring pipe channels.

Ground patch up and resurfacing work on wiring pipe channels.

Laying electrical and communications pipes from ground channel to ceiling  

Akuma Design
Johnny Shen

