2010年12月15日 星期三

2010/12/15 輕隔間,水電,OA辦公家具 | Light Steel Frame Wall, Electrical and OA System Furniture

現場監工日誌 On-site suprvising report

本日進場工種及工作摘要 / Workers & Job Summary
水電 5 人:現有線路查修整理; 新設迴路佈線,開關插座盒定位,佈線溝槽標示。
5 Electrician: Current wiring check and renewal; New circuit wiring; Plug box installation; Ground wiring routing channels indication.

輕鋼架 7 人: 輕隔間牆骨架安裝及石膏板單面封板,局部隔音棉固定。
7 Light Steel Frame Workers: Partition wall light steel frame positioning; Gypsum board stapling on one side; Insulating material installation.

OA 4 人: OA家具放樣。
4 workers: OA system furniture position indication.

現場施工細節照片 / Photos
Insulating materials installation

Insulating materials installation

Electrical system check and renewal

Lines painted on the ground indicating the wiring routing channels.

Painted lines on the ground indicating the wiring routing.

Akuma Design
Johnny Shen

