本日進場工種及工作摘要 / Workers & Job Summary
水電 5 人: 電線佈設,配電盤定位
5 Electrician: Laying communication cable and electrical wires; Circuit switch panels positioning.
輕隔間 4 人: 部分隔間及封板修改補強,第二面封板作業。
4 Light Steel Frame Workers: Modifications on some partition walls; Put up second side of gypsum dry board on partition walls.
油漆 2 人: 木製門框批土。
2 Painters: Wooden door frame plastering work.
木工 4 人: 門片貼皮,門片定位,入口天花板燈槽打樣。
4 Carpenters: Fix up surface material for doors; Doors positioning; Entrance hallway ceiling wooden light box mock up.
空調 6 人:室內機吊掛,電路配線。
6 A/C Technicians: Indoor A/C fan unit positioning; electrical and control wirings.
現場施工細節照片 / Photos
New A/C unit hanging into position (Avocent) |
Photo showing partitions over the rail of Training Room sliding wall. |
putting up insulation materials, ready to put up second side of gypsum dry board |
Wooden door frame plastering work |
Akuma Design
Johnny Shen